I'm Tanui | th3madbit

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Discipline - Not my key to success...

Published January 19, 2023

Dear {us},

“It’s not the wakin’ it’s the risin'”

Nina Cried Power by Hozier. This is a song that’s not paying rent to be in my head right now (Honestly, since 31st Dec ‘22). It’s a song of hope, the singing that gets me crying for power. The power to do more and perphaps become some thing if not something. Who knows what you’d probally cry for if you listen to that singing? I bet that you’ll atleast feel something. Care to listen?

What’s not paying rent in your head dear?

Discipline - Not my key to success…

Before I tell (infact show) you why discipline is not my key to success, let me dig what discipline and success mean to me.


Committing to a cause,

with prospection that the soul, mind n body will be lifted.

Showing up for and to the cause,

within or without the tiredness.

Persevering the pleasure, the suffering, and the unexpected,

with the hope that all is necessary and I deserve it.


The one where I get fulfilled.

The one where I get to the *end of a pursuit.

The one where theirs is seemingly in agreement with mine.

The one where satisfaction is temporal,

where there’s never enough of it,

b’cause if it were, the living wouldn’t want to lie.

And so dear self, discipline is not the key to success. Discipline is Success in and of itself.

A 30 Days Streak [got to top 4%]

For the last 30 days, I’ve showed up to complete tasks on tryhackme. Yes, daily. Showing up meant different things every day. Some days it meant completing 57 events. On other days 1 event. Other days, it meant starting a task and wandering through it. Confused and tired.

But here I am smiling like the little you when you were first kissed.

If wakin’ is success, then you ought to experience the beauty of risin’ - The discipline.

The real note to s3lf:

But wait, if success is temporal, and discipline is my ultimate success, then doesn’t that imply that discipline is temporal? 0h no, dear self. Just reverse that thought and you’d be good to go.

More grace to you dear.

Yours disciplined,
